Hair Care tips during Winter - Doctor's Help

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Hair Care tips during Winter

Hair Care tips during Winter

1. Wear a scarf - Whenever you go out keep your hair covered from the wind, rain and snow

2. Deep Conditioning Treatment - This will help to replenish the moisture, which tends to get depleted from things such as the dry heat and the cold winter air

3. Regular Trimming - Every 5 to 8 weeks, get a light dusting of the ends to avoid split ends

4. Drink lots of water - To keep you hydrated inside, intake 3 to 4 litre of water every day

5. Use less shampoo and more conditioner - Shampoo may leave your hair dry so avoid using more. Regularly apply conditioner which keeps hair moisturized

6. No to Hot water - Avoid having hair wash in hot water which will damage and dry out your hair. Instead use warm / cold waterir Care tips during Winte.

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